Attention Collaborators SCIOFF's Vision and Mission Statements 

VISION/MISSION: To Promote the Scientific Method within Fantasy Football:

Independent Researchers

          Empower independent researchers with our philosophy, 

          statistical methods, and pattern detection examples. 

          Useful for your own research in FF

Dependent Researchers

          Unpaid Internships for training and skill acquisition using and building           upon our own research. For semi-skilled persons planning to move

         up the FF ladder. Short term only 

Media Analyst Coaching 

          Presentation skill upgrades using our SCIOFF methods as examples'

SCIOFF Team Members

         Join us as unpaid apprentice researchers to be trained up as part of 

          our SCIOFF team to earn your piece of our journey. 

          For persons expecting a longer-term interaction 


Affiliation with your group. 

         We join you and bring aspects of SCIOFF to your current group